Saturday, July 2, 2011

Quick Update

We have really been enjoying our days off lately.  Here are a few pictures.  We had a great time watching the Giants play.  It was especially exciting to watch Lincecum and 'The Beard' (Wilson) pitch.  I have also included some pictures of recent recipes.  I have had way too much fun cooking up new and interesting foods for us to try.  Also, here are some pictures of Zuri searching for moles in Golden Gate Park.


Aaron really enjoyed a day in the park yesterday.  He took a sandwich and his book, and Zuri had her own little pack of treats and water.  She spent about five hours running about and chasing moles while he enjoyed a leisurely afternoon.  When I got home from work she was pouting and acting like she had been trapped indoors all day.  Bad dog!

Our friend from Chile comes in Monday.  We are incredibly excited about her visit!  I hope she comes home and gets a nap so that we can enjoy a fun evening of fireworks and celebration!

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