Thursday, January 13, 2011

Update and Pics!

Over the past week and a half I have tried to carry my little camera everywhere so that I can snap photos whenever I feel it is appropriate.  There are so many little pockets of San Francisco that are so picturesque, and I just never know when I am going to stumble upon these areas.  It is necessary to always be prepared.

It has been a fine week once again, even though I have been bogged down by work!  Ha, I only spent three days in orientation, so it was really okay.  The hospital provides the very typical nursing orientation, where they encourage new hires to care and to appreciate diversity.  Overall, I think nurses do a fine job of these two things to begin with, but every institution feels the need to talk about these two topics in great detail.  The educator even discussed how to take care of gypsy families, so that should be an interesting nursing experience and a new one for my list when the time comes.  I met some fun fellow travelers, and as usual I got their numbers so that we can meet up in the next couple of weeks.  It is always fun and interesting to hear the stories other travel nurses have to share of their experiences along the way.  Lots of laughter frequently!

This weekend our friends from Duke, Scott and Lindsay, have come to visit from Flagstaff.  We are thrilled to see them and catch up.  It seems hard to believe that we said good-bye to them in Tucson a year and a half ago before leaving for our six month trip.  It is so nice to have a three day weekend (thanks to my super nice manager that I have only met over the phone) to enjoy their company and show them around the city.

Here are some recent pics of the neighborhood and surrounding area.

 Just around the corner where we wait for the Muni
 First beer consumed in sparsely decorated living room.
 The other side of the living room

 Home Sweet Home!
Golden Gate Park

Japanese Garden, Golden Gate Park

Golden Gate Park

Golden Gate Park

My hospital way in the distance 

Just outside of our front door

Funky colors of Haight-Ashbury

Home in Haight-Ashbury

Haight St.

 Fun and Narrow

SHE is conservative???!  What??? 
 Ha, just for fun!!

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