Sunday, November 28, 2010

Biking Half Moon Bay

So this morning I got out of bed at a decent hour and decided to load my bike into the car and go to Half Moon Bay.  It proved to be a fine decision, as it was an excellent way to spend the morning hours.  My off road biking skills are basic, but it is so much fun to get off the pavement and onto the trails.  The path is on the cliffs overlooking the ocean and provides stunning views of the coastline.  The beaches are so different here than the Carolina ones that I am used to, but I like them both so much.  The beauty here never ceases to amaze me, and I had plenty of moments this morning to park my bike, take in the scenery, breath the fresh morning air, and to take some pictures.


On days when the sun is out Half Moon Bay is such an inviting and quaint village.  There are so many people out and about enjoying themselves.  It is amazing the difference when it is cloudy here though.  The towering cliffs with their wind-blown trees along the with intense surf give off very mysterious and eerie vibes!  Rain or shine, it is most certainly a favorite place to visit, and we are so lucky that it is only a few miles down the road.  I think we might go back on Wednesday, and I already can't wait!!

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